Astara and RCI Bank and services reach a strategic agreement for Nissan business in Switzerland.

After the parties’ announcement in October 2021 of advanced discussions to establish a new financing partnership to support the development of Nissan business in Switzerland, now that Astara will become from the 1st of February Nissan’s distributor in the country, both companies have confirmed the signature of the agreement today.

Astara and RCI Bank and Services will bring to the partnership their respective strong expertise that will contribute to create  vehicles and spare parts financings and services offers totally adapted to the needs of Nissan’s dealers and customers in Switzerland. In this line the new partners aim to build a collaboration with the perspective to extend the product and service offer to the new mobility businesses.

Xavier SabatierGlobal head of business expansion and Importer Territory Managing Director, RCI Bank and Services, declared that “RCI Bank and Services considers the collaboration with such an important international automotive group as Astara a crucial move in its captive business model extension towards partnering with independent importer where it is relevant. This cooperation will is expected  start in Switzerland in February 22 and then, to extend to Austria from March the 1st as soon as the conditions are in place. In both the countries, Astara and RCI Bank and Services will approach the market offering financing, services and mobility solutions adapted to the evolution of Nissan customers and dealers’ needs”.

“We welcome very much this cooperation with RCI Bank and Services that will help us to maximize our presence in the Swiss market. The aim is to develop a business model oriented towards growth, offering a diversified portfolio of mobility products and services, reinforcing Nissan’s long-term growth and fostering the interaction with customers and dealers along the whole customer journey”.


Nicholas Blattner

Director Communications


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Astara est une entreprise de mobilité innovante, guidée par une approche humaine et engagée dans le développement durable.

Avec un chiffre d'affaires de plus de 5 milliards d'euros en 2023, Astara offre une large gamme de produits et de services pour la mobilité individuelle, avec des options pour répondre aux besoins différents de chaque utilisateur en fonction de la maturité de chaque marché, de la propriété complète à la formule sur abonnement, en passant par le car sharing. Le tout forme un écosystème de mobilité, soutenu par une parfaite maîtrise des données et appuyé par la plateforme Astara.

Tout cela est rendu possible grâce à l'équipe diversifiée d'Astara, qui compte 3 000 employés de plus de 50 nationalités différentes, répartis dans 19 pays et sur 3 continents: l’Europe, l’Amérique latine et l’Asie du Sud-Est.

Pour plus d'informations sur Astara, consultez le site


Astara Mobility Switzerland AG Richtiplatz 5 CH-8304 Wallisellen