Astara is taking part in the world's hardest Rally

Within its strategic plan driven by a great focus on the client, Astara (formerly Bergé Auto) has recently been working on the implementation of its own distribution and mobility ecosystem.

A platform that encompasses all markets in which the group operates, all possible ownership, subscription, use and connectivity solutions, and that incorporates state-of-the-art technology.

One of the pillars on which this strategic plan is based is the promotion of talent and sustainability. In this s trong commitment to an environment that becoming cleaner and more responsible regarding its footprint, Astara decides to face one of the most demanding sporting challenges: to compete in the toughest and most important off-road rally in the world, the Dakar, and to do it so in a sustainable way. .

With a history of more than 40 years, the Dakar puts to the test not only the pilots, but all the members of the team, who for three weeks are going to live with intensity and to the limit unforgettable moments.. The Dakar will also undergo its own transformation towards sustainability, which is why it will become an excellent tool to show the evolution, new values ​​and image of Astara.

To make this transformation a reality, a group of company employees from different locations are part of the Astara Team structure. All of them will work side by side with each other with the aim of teaming up for talent and culture. The selected group will work as a mirror of all the company's values ​​in the most challenging scenario. Ideas, creativity and innovation, mistakes and successes, feedback and learning will be part of the day to day, in an environment of constant improvement. Each member of the team will not only contribute their effort, but will also know how their work contributes to the result of the whole.

Finally, one of the objectives of the Astara Team will be to demonstrate to be the team leaving the lowest carbon footprint during the race on Saudi terrain. For this reason, the accounting and reporting of the emissions of the cars in the race will be carried out according to standardized measurement protocols (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064 standard) and will be reviewed by a prestigious independent entity at the end of the rally.

Nicholas Blattner

Director Communications

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Maggiori informazioni su Astara Switzerland

Il vostro interlocutore - Il Team per le Relazioni Pubbliche è felice di fornire informazioni ai rappresentanti dei media. Per richieste di carattere generale, la preghiamo di contattare

Astara è un'azienda di mobilità innovativa, con un approccio human-to-human, impegnata nella sostenibilità.

Con un fatturato di oltre 5 miliardi di euro nel 2023, Astara offre soluzioni di mobilità personale, con opzioni per le diverse esigenze di ogni utente a seconda dello sviluppo di ciascun mercato, tra cui la proprietà totale, l'abbonamento e il car sharing. Un ecosistema di mobilità, supportato dall'intelligenza dei dati e dalla piattaforma Astara.

Tutto questo grazie al team eterogeneo di Astara, composto da 3’000 dipendenti di oltre 50 nazionalità, presenti in 19 Paesi e 3 continenti: Europa, America Latina e Sud-Est asiatico.

Per maggiori informazioni su Astara, visitate il sito


Astara Mobility Switzerland AG Richtiplatz 5 CH-8304 Wallisellen